Šv. Mykolo st 12, Vilnius
In the Art Center of Baltic Amber one can enjoy constantly renewed expositions of works made by Lithuanian and foreign artists. Many jewelers presented their works, which were hosted by this gallery. Art Center of Baltic Amber keeps working on its other activity – museums. Therefore, Baltic amber exposition from time to time is replaced by amber from a variety of other countries.
10/12/2010 – 03/03/2011
Painting exhibition of A. Mažuolė “Points of charisma“
December of 2009
R. Padleckas’ exhibition “Recent works“
My memories from the exhibition in Nida: „When leaves are falling and later snow shows up, recollections of summer appear. Adventures of this summer took place in Neringa. There I organized my exhibition „In the gallery of amber“. Therefore, this current exhibition is a repercussion of the summer and that exhibition. It has transformed in a great way. Authentic impressions complemented my knowledge and preconceptions about Neringa.“
April of 2009
M. Maskoliūnaitė and A. Bankauskaitė “White crows“
An exhibition of conceptual jewelry based on silver and amber. The main element in the whole collection is the geometrical form of a circle. It is used to ring the white crows, the ones who want to stand out.
March of 2009
Exhibition ”World Amber“
Amber Museum-Gallery (tutor K. Mizgiris) and University of Hamburg (tutor W. Weitschat) organised the exhibition „World amber“. In museum of Art Center of Baltic Amber there was an unique collection of different amber pieces from all around the world.
March of 2008
Exhibition “Dominican amber“
Amber Museum-Gallery (tutor K. Mizgiris), University of Hamburg (tutor W. Weitschat) and World Amber Museum (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) (tutor J. Calidad) organised the exhibition of Dominican amber in Art Center of Baltic Amber.
February of 2008
A. Mikutis and J. Vazalinskienė “Symbiosis“
Exhibition of the jeweller A. Mikutis and the designer J. Vazalinskienė. Dresses with amber jewellery.
April of 2007
R. Padleckas’ exhibition “Self-portrait“
Open and true story about the author and his life. Collage, photographs, paintings and jewellery were used.
April of 2006
N. Erminas’ exhibition “A Man“
Like a red strand a figure from Juodkrantė‘s Tresure emerges in every work, a sculpture of a man as an amulet. Might be that this Man is the main reason of the exhibition: the man who came from the depths of the centuries with a purpose to protect, guard, rescue; created of saint amber – suddenly gaining a postmodern accent.
February of 2006
A. Mikutis’ and Ą. Vaitukaitis’ exhibition “Gold of ashes“
The artists did not name their works, created getting to know ethnoculture of the balts, to be specific – did not name authorship of the jewelry: echoing the ones, who at one time made amulets and brooches following examples of their parents and ancestors works, decided to stay unknown. Being not satisfied by a published information, A. Mikutis and Ą. Vaitukaitis got access to the funds of the museum and themselves had an opportunity to touch brass articles of hundreds of years old – of a color of ashes. For us they have a value of gold. Influenced by an unprecedented contact with archeological jewelry the inspired authors of “The ashes of gold” did not need stylistic clichés as of a romantically aged item: golden silver shines very bright exactly the way a polished brass was shining. Citations of semantics and shapes of ancient articles are chosen very carefully, not going into theatric primitiveness. They create jewelry for nowadays people who are fascinated by the archaic soul.
December of 2004
A. Mikutis’ exhibition “Losses”
Creating sculptures of ancient gods the artist improvises in Lithuanian mythology. The Lord of the Pantheon is Thunder – he looks not like a threatening Lord of Lightning, but like a dancing Oriental deity; the goddess of forests, Medeina, is associated with African sculpture, and the figure of the God of the Sea, Bangpūtis, to amateur primitivism. Attention is caught by warm humor typical to Lithuanian fairy tales‘ characters. The goblin, the soul of good and bad home deeds looks like an oppressed and crouched bird. The Grim Reaper is trying to frighten with its long and forked tongue, a grotesque face of a Whitch is very similar to a monkey‘s.
June of 2004
N. Erminas’ exhibition “REMIX“
N. Erminas works on wooden objects, similar to every day items (a hammer, a nail, an axe), but constructed in an unlogical way, not fitting the human body scale or with no purpose; to be short – non-functional things, fostering to think of things‘, surrounding us every day, necessity and worthiness. The author, developing an invented and unreal world idea, created remixes of these works using amber: toy utensils, so sweet amber vest for a Barbie‘s husband, (a Vest I for a Strongman is scooped of birch and is a reliable armour), a miniature pan and almost real fried egg, the white which is made of amber and the yolk is of transparent amber, where a bug is entrapped – it is an inclusion. Limits between reality and fiction are questioned with a help of such jokes.